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Старый 05.08.2009, 10:05   #1  
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Dianne Siebold: Dynamics AX Goes Green

Early this year, we released the Environmental Sustainability Dashboard (ESD). This is a module that works with Dynamics AX 2009. This tool is not my area of expertise within AX, but I thought it was really cool so I wanted to mention it.

The dashboard allows you to configure your AX installation to track your energy consumption. You can use the dashboard reports to analyze the data you collect and find opportunities for reducing your footprint and maybe even saving your company some money at the same time.

Another benefit of the dashboard reports is that they provide information that you can share with customers, the media, government regulators or anyone that needs or wants to know about your organization’s environmental data.

Click here to see a short video that provides a nutshell version of how it works. As you’ll see in the video, the great thing about the ESD is that the tracking of energy usage is part of your organization’s everyday business process.

The ESD was released after AX 2009 as a targeted release. You can download it at You’ll need a valid PartnerSource login to access it though.

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