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Старый 11.06.2011, 05:19   #1  
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axinthefield: Managing the Alerts Queue for AX 2009

It is important for Administrators to manage the Alert rules in your AX system. I have seen many instances where the EventCUD table is extremely large which means many Alerts are queued up. The EventCUD table stores the changed-based Alerts that are waiting to be sent and will continue to grow until the event processor has successfully delivered the records matched against the rules. When lots of records are queued in the system it usually indicates; 1) that the Alert rules were set up long before the batch process started, 2) users might have had access to create Alert rules months before the batch is enabled and the events are triggered by the user's rules, or 3) the Batch job that delivers the messages is not running or scheduled. If the old, non-processed, and obsolete events are not deleted, the Batch job generates Alerts and potentially sends unsolicited e-mail messages to users.

When this occurs, you should do the following:
  1. If the Alerts queued in the system are not critical, the contents of the EventCUD table can be deleted. This will prevent a flood of old Alerts from being delivered when the Batch job is scheduled and runs.
    1. In the Application Object Table (AOT), select Data dictionary >Tables.
    2. Select the EventCUD table, locate the events to be deleted, and delete as appropriate.
  2. Review the Alert rules that are currently setup in the system to make sure they are all necessary
  3. If it is determined that Alerts will be used going forward, then schedule the Alerts batch job to run periodically so they get delivered as expected

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