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Старый 16.03.2013, 05:38   #1  
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dynamicscpm: How to enable data mart notifications

We’ve talked previously about the advantages of the data mart here, here, and here.

Once the data mart is configured, you can set it and forget it. It will automatically integrate your data without requiring any manual steps. But, If you want to proactively receive updates about the integration you can setup notifications in the Configuration Console.

After the initial configuration is created, notifications can be enabled by updating the settings at bottom of the Microsoft Dynamics ERP integration. These notifications can be set up for any data mart based integration. If any warnings or errors occur, an email message containing information related to the warning or error is sent. Below, I have a screenshot showing a warning that states I've exceeded my licensed user count and as a result Phyllis wasn't added as a user. In this case I had setup a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 integration prior to entering my registration keys in Management Reporter. Entering registration keys in Management Reporter will resolve the issue.

There are a few prerequisites to getting this working, including:

1. You need to have an active simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server in your environment.

2. The service account running the Management Reporter application and process service needs permissions to use the SMTP server.

3. The E-mail from account needs to be the same user as the service account.

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