Ежемесячные новости и обзоры для партнеров (закрытый ресурс, требует пароля партнера)
Среди новостей:
- Important Microsoft Partner Program/MBS Competency Update
- Channel Builder - Gold and Certified partners can enter solutions and opportunities in Channel Builder and can use Channel Builder to promote offerings and collaborate with other Microsoft partners worldwide.
- Partner Tools & Resources - We have summarized where some of the key information is stored to assist you in finding the information you are looking for
- Axapta ISV Builder Initiative
- Microsoft CRM Content from the Pre-Convergence Partner Briefing
- New Microsoft SQL Option for Navision Communication Toolkit
- Webcasts
Настоятельно рекомендую ознакомиться с новостями по SQL Option for Navision. В частности:
Always consider customer needs when choosing between Navision native and Microsoft SQL database servers. Company size is important but it’s not the only factor to consider when choosing a database server