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Старый 14.03.2007, 10:00   #1  
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casperkamal: running multiple Dynamics Ax clients with differnt permissions

  Active Directory based login system of the Dynamics Ax 4.0 requires to change our logon to know the way your setup (say security, code permissions etc...)works for other logins. "runas" command that comes inbuilt with Window Xp and other higher version would be very helpful..............(:) hope "dot net" techies are well aware of this funda)

There are two ways to use runas command, either through command line or a GUI.
1. Executing through command line
   Type the following line :
  runas /username ax32.exe
                eg: runas /kamalakannann.e ax32.exe

   next the command line will prompt you for your password once you enter it, your new Dynamics Ax session for the  
   corresponding user will be ready
   sometimes Dynamics Ax will not open up( ) in such situation 
   try this trouble shooting tip
   > RightClick My Computer and go to properties

   > On the Advanced tabl click Environment Variables button, this will open a new form

   > Go to the System Variable Field, and select SystemVariable named "Path"

   > Now click edit and add the following line
   "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\Client\bin"

   > Save it and try again, you will find it working
   Check out this msdn link to read more about "runas"(click here)

  2. Exectuing through GUI
   >Go to program Files and select Microsoft Dynamics Ax 4.1 or any where where you have your shortcut to open
   > Right Click and Select Runas
   > You will get a login window, Just type in your userid and password Dynamics Ax opens up the session for the corresponding user.(if you type the write password )
............................ hurray easy security check

Старый 14.03.2007, 13:27   #2  
gl00mie is offline
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Active Directory based login system of the Dynamics Ax 4.0 requires to change our logon to know the way your setup works for other logins. "runas" command that comes inbuilt with Window Xp and other higher version would be very helpful. Exectuing through GUI Right Click and Select Runas...
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Старый 16.03.2007, 08:53   #3  
casperkamal is offline
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thanks for the comment
Hi Gloomie,

Thanx for your comments, I have carried out some corrections based on your quote. Would be very happy if you could check and pass on your comment about it.!249.entry


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