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Старый 11.03.2008, 13:48   #1  
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Dave: Convergence 2008 - Day 1
While the first day of Convergence, Partner Day, was slow for a customer like myself, it will pick up tomorrow. This has been my first Convergence attendance so of course like all first-timers, I've been wowed my the amount of cash and effort Microsoft has put into this conference. Dynamics AX 2009 is the focal point on the AX side of the product offerings and judging by the looks of the amount of Marketing material, hand-on labs, and sessions Microsoft is providing, they're releasing it the 'right' way compared to my experience with the 4.0 launch in 2006.

One bit of information that I've found a strong marketing campaign towards during Convergence is Dynamics Communities. I've been a member of the Finance Community for a while now but a 'Sales and Marketing' and 'Customer Service' community has recently launched. I encourage everyone who is currently not a member of at least one of these communities to get involved, especially if you do not have a support contract with either your partner or Microsoft.

Clicking on the link below will take you directly to the registration page. When registering, I kindly ask that you place my Dynamics Community screen name as your referral code, davidbowles.


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