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Старый 13.08.2008, 01:05   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Names Five Dynamics Experts to Newly Formed Editorial Advisory Board
Well has just did a press release, which you can find here: Names Five Dynamics Experts to Newly Formed Editorial Advisory Board

This PR, is talking about the newly created editorial advisory board, that spans the different Dynamics brands for expert knowledge, that will help guide content, and more.

The link to the Editorial Advisory Board page can be found here: E.A.B Link

From the link:
"The Editorial Advisory Board was created in June 2008 and offers a broad range of expertise to The Editorial Advisory Board provides ongoing guidance to the editorial team on issues associated with editorial content, strategy, and direction. "

And the description of this given from the Press Release:
", the leading independent online information resource on Microsoft Dynamics software, has named five of the world's leading authorities to its newly formed Editorial Advisory Board.

The Editorial Advisory Board is charged with providing advice and guidance to the editorial team about its content and editorial direction."

I happen to have the honor of being one of the members of this board, and I am very excited about having the possibility to continue to help this site grow, and also work with some of the best Dynamics Pro's around.

Good luck E.A.B. and! Check back soon!

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