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Старый 05.09.2008, 21:05   #1  
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mfp: Summer is over...
The summer is over, and you might have noticed I haven't been blogging much the past few months. You might also think I've been spending the last few months on a beach on an exotic island - but nothing could be further from the truth.

Since the release of Dynamics AX 2009 I have been heads down on primarily two projects.

The first project is a feature in AX6, that in the hallways at MDCC goes by the codename: "ID-Go-Away." Currently we have a plan for solving the element id problem. The plan includes both the technical aspects and the required organizational enablers, such as the right team, management buy-in, cross-team awareness and support etc. And what's even better: We have been executing on this plan the past 4-5 weeks.

The second project is a book that goes by the name: "Inside Dynamics AX 2009". Yes, we are publishing an updated version of Inside Dynamics AX 4. Currently I have drafts lying in my top drawer of the chapters I'm responsible for. (These days my top drawer is a Sharepoint Server somewhere in a cellar in Ireland.) Next steps are editing and reviews.

On a more personal note, I also have a third "project" going on, as my wife is due mid-September. We are very much looking forward to little sleep, diapers, and all the other joys of family bonding.

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