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axinthefield: Financial Consolidations - Dynamics Ax 2009 (Part 2)

III) Perform a Consolidation:

Options to perform consolidation:
  • From the same database using the online option
  • From and, or to another database using the Import/Export option
Before you perform a consolidation at the close of a period, ensure that the period closing preparatory activities are performed, but do not close the subsidiary accounts until the consolidation is completed.

Consolidation, Online:

Path: Dynamics Ax > General Ledger > Periodic > Consolidate > Consolidation, Online

Dimension tab: Gives option to select none, dimension, group dimension, company accounts and account. Select 'Group dimension' to rollup dimension transactions to consolidation company dimension values (Group dimensions must be specified for all dimension values in all subsidiary companies for this option)

Companies tab:

Share: Indicate the percentage of the selected company accounts to be included in the consolidation. This is used if the consolidated company owns part of the subsidiary.

Note: Share field is not available or relevant on the consolidation, Export form

For the selected subsidiary company account - if the subsidiary company currency differs from that of the consolidated company - select the type of account that consolidation differences are posted to:
  • Profit & loss – Differences are posted to the consolidated company ledger account that is indicated for the Profit & loss account for consolidate Financial Consolidations - Dynamics Ax 2009 (Part 1)on differences value in the Posting type field on the System accounts form of the consolidated company.
  • Balance – Differences are posted to the consolidated company ledger account that is indicated for the Balance account for consolidation differences value in the Posting type field on the System accounts form of the consolidated company.
  • You must make an appropriate selection according to the accounting practice of the country/region of the consolidated company.
Eliminations tab:

Note: Elimination rules can be applied here.

Click button 'OK'

Then validate balances through General Ledger > Common Forms> Chart of account details (Select respective account and validate the balance of CEC & CEU companies, notice the balance in consolidation company).

Then validate balances through General Ledger > Common Forms> Chart of account details (Select respective account and validate the balance of CEC & CEU companies, notice the balance in consolidation company).

Questions & Answers:

Q1 : How do I start consolidation process?

Ans: Start with 'Financial Consolidations - Dynamics Ax 2009 (Part 1)' describes the setup part of consolidations following 'Financial Consolidations - Dynamics Ax 2009 (Part 2)' describes the consolidation execution process.

Q2: Our system does have setup of consolidation, but not sure how to start consolidation process?

Ans: Please follow the seteps below:
  • Validate existing consolidation setup in 'Consolidation company'
  • Validate/Identify subsidiary company setup
  • Perform consolidation
Q3: I've performed consolidation process but balances are not updated in consolidation company?

Ans: Please validate the consolidation & subsidiary company setup again and identify what option is considered for setup of subsidiary company.

Q4: We have consolidation differences in amounts 'Balance Sheet' & 'Profit & Loss' accounts, where do these balances update?

Ans: These balances can be found in the system accounts we have configured during consolidation company setup.

Q5: We understand the process but, performing consolidations process for the first time, so need help?

Ans: Please reach us at :

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