12.12.2012, 00:11
dynamicscpm: Consolidations and Currency Translation in Management Reporter
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dynamicscpm/...-reporter.aspx
Creating consolidated financial reports, including standardizing on a single reporting currency, is a key business process for many customers. Over the last two years, we’ve published several blog posts to help you understand the benefits of using Management Reporter as part of your consolidation process.
Below, we’ve included a roundup of these post to help you identify key resources to ensure you are taking advantage of all Management Reporter has to offer in consolidation and currency translation.
Dynamics ERP Currency TranslationConsolidationsAny Dynamics ERP Dynamics AX
Dynamics GP
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dynamicscpm/...-reporter.aspx
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