24.11.2014, 18:11 | #1 |
Dynamics AX Sustained Engineering: AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 8 - FAQ
Источник: http://blogs.technet.com/b/dynamicsa...ate-8-faq.aspx
============== With the recently announced release of Cumulative Update 8 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 (6.3.1000.309) with KB2998197, there are several key changes in how the CU package is delivered and installed on local environments. The most notable difference is that the update installer is downloaded first and does not actually contain any Dynamics AX product changes. The fixes and enhancements are downloaded as part of running the update installer. Some of the common questions you might have as a result of this change are:
Источник: http://blogs.technet.com/b/dynamicsa...ate-8-faq.aspx
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24.11.2014, 23:57 | #2 |
Обновление и немножко навязанных "услуг" в виде LCS и VS2013.
И для полного ощущения счастья 1500 моделей. Интересно, кто-то проверял на каком количестве моделей приложение "почувствует недомогание". |
За это сообщение автора поблагодарили: Kabardian (2). |