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stoneridgesoftware: Dynamics 365 Unified Interface Provides Consistent User Experience

The new Dynamics 365 Unified Interface has been designed to provide a consistent experience for users. It provides an easier and uniformed interface with responsive design for any screen or device.

Dashboards and Charts

Interactive dashboards are now available for everyday use outside the Customer Service Hub. You are now able to use these dashboards to analyze lead and opportunity management, account management, or activity tracking. Interactive dashboards can be accessed on desktop or through mobile devices.

Enhanced User Experience

When users access Activities, Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and Cases, you’ll be able to move them to the Unified Interface client.

They will have familiar capabilities on Unified Interface and will also discover productivity enhancements with the introduction of some enhanced capabilities.

Timeline control – The timeline view helps you collaborate with your team by tracking customer communication in a record on a single page in an easy to read view. You can see everything from posts and voice attachments to emails and notes. It provides a quick way to see the entire communication thread.

Business process enhancement – The business process flow has been improved by the docking mechanism. You can dock the business process stage on your screen to help you stay focused on the task at hand in your business process flow. This is especially useful when the stage of the process has complex steps to complete.

Reference panel – Use the reference panel for apps built on Unified Interface like Dynamics 365 for Customer Service. The reference panel is a great way to get work done without clicking away from the screen you are on. You can look up other things like knowledge base articles within the context of the record you are viewing.

Navigation – The new menu options let you swiftly navigate the different apps in the system. It provides quick access to recently viewed records and pinned favorites.

Focused Experience

Unified Interface experiences are based on model-driven apps. You can scope the user experience based on the jobs they need to accomplish. Users can have single or multiple apps based on their requirements and can easily switch between apps as needed.

Rich Controls

Unified interface is a metadata-driven experience. All controls experiences are built on the control framework that is extensible and provides a uniform experience across clients. The app display reflows to the viewport size the user is working on.


Within the initial release, the unified interface has brought a lot of great new and existing functionality in this easy to use interface. However, the initial design and release has been targeted at simple end users. Some functions that are not available include:
  • Can’t create personal views
  • Limited business rule functionality
  • No advanced find
  • No Bulk update on multiple records
  • Manually running workflow
*Quick create for Custom entities not available.

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